GitHub Repo • (currently being re-deployed / migrating from Heroku)

Landing Page

Landing Page

About Page

About Page

Search Page

Search Page

ERD / Model Relationships

ERD / Model Relationships


The Harmonic app allows logged-in users to search the user-base for solo musicians or bands for recording, performances, or long-term collaborations. The heart of the app is the search page, where the user can set filters and be directed to see a list of musicians or bands matching the search criteria. (ie: "I am looking for a musician in L.A. who plays bass and can record remotely" or "I am looking to join a metal band that needs a drummer and lists Slayer as an influence")

From this index of search results, the user can select a band/musician from the list and be redirected to that user's detailed profile page. The profile page allows the user to add the band/musician to favorites with a "star", give a testimonial, contact the band/musician through in-app messaging, or return to search results. The index page will also allow the user to save search parameters for future use.


I conceived, designed, and built this personal concept project as a full-stack networking app for musicians with messaging and testimonial features.

Technologies Used

  • Javascript

  • Node

  • Express

  • Sequelize

  • Postgres

  • EJS

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML

  • VSCode

  • Google Chrome Developer Tools
